The high plateaus, protruding mountains and mammoth temples poised against the vast landscape captured my gaze and dwarfed my being. Tibetan flags and rock piles posed on every peak. The people of Tibet were curious, joyful, warm and friendly. They expressed themselves by smiling and waving, children shared their candy and gum. Walking down the street it wasn’t uncommon for a monk to walk silent alongside you or children attempt to communicate. It was natural for a child to grab your hand, giggle, and walk with you.In the old world the farms, homes, and businesses were impeccable buildings made from mud and straw whitewashed and trimmed with bright colors and Tibetan prayer flags. The towns built by the Chinese were stark in contrast built in the architectural style of form follows function with a splash of neon from the 40’s and 50’s.
This magical place is captured in my photographs. I hope they bring you as much joy viewing them as I received in taking them.

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